- destroy
void destroy()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- evalImpl
JsonnetResult evalImpl(char* rslt, int error)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- evalImplMulti
JsonnetInterleafedResult[] evalImplMulti(char* rslt, int error)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- evaluateFile
JsonnetResult evaluateFile(string filename)
Evaluate a file containing Jsonnet code, return a JSON string.
- evaluateFileString
JsonnetResult evaluateFileString(string filename)
Evaluate a file containing Jsonnet code, return a number of JSON files.
- evaluateSnippet
JsonnetResult evaluateSnippet(string filename, string snippet)
Evaluate a string containing Jsonnet code, return a JSON string.
- evaluateSnippetStream
JsonnetInterleafedResult[] evaluateSnippetStream(string filename, string snippet)
Evaluate a string containing Jsonnet code, return a number of JSON files.
- evaluteFileMulti
JsonnetInterleafedResult[] evaluteFileMulti(string filename)
Evaluate a file containing Jsonnet code, return a number of named JSON files.
- evaluteSnippetMulti
JsonnetInterleafedResult[] evaluteSnippetMulti(string filename, string snippet)
Evaluate a string containing Jsonnet code, return a number of named JSON files.
- expectStringOutput
void expectStringOutput(bool v)
Expect a string as output and don't JSON encode it.
- extCode
void extCode(string key, string val)
Bind a Jsonnet external var to the given code.
- extVar
void extVar(string key, string val)
Bind a Jsonnet external var to the given string.
- importCallback
void importCallback(JsonnetImportCallback cb, void* ctx)
Override the callback used to locate imports.
- jpathAdd
void jpathAdd(string v)
Add to the default import callback's library search path.
- jsonDestroy
void jsonDestroy(JsonnetJsonValue* v)
- makeArray
JsonnetValue makeArray()
Make a JsonnetJsonValue representing an array.
- makeBool
JsonnetValue makeBool(bool v)
Convert the given bool (1 or 0) to a JsonnetJsonValue.
- makeNull
JsonnetValue makeNull()
Make a JsonnetJsonValue representing null.
- makeNumber
JsonnetValue makeNumber(double v)
Convert the given double to a JsonnetJsonValue.
- makeObject
JsonnetValue makeObject()
Make a JsonnetJsonValue representing an object with the given number of
- makeString
JsonnetValue makeString(string v)
Convert the given UTF8 string to a JsonnetJsonValue.
- maxTrace
void maxTrace(uint v)
Set the number of lines of stack trace to display (0 for all of them).
- nativeCallback
void nativeCallback(string name, JsonnetNativeCallback cb, void* ctx, const(char)** params)
Register a native extension.
- setGCgrowthTrigger
void setGCgrowthTrigger(double v)
Run the garbage collector after this amount of growth in the number of objects.
- setGCminObjects
void setGCminObjects(uint v)
Set the number of objects required before a garbage collection cycle is allowed.
- setMaxStack
void setMaxStack(uint v)
Set the maximum stack depth.
- tlaCode
void tlaCode(string key, string val)
Bind a code top-level argument for a top-level parameter.
- tlaVar
void tlaVar(string key, string val)
Bind a string top-level argument for a top-level parameter.